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The Working Life

If you are visiting New Zealand for a long period of time the chances are you will need to work to keep the bank balance looking healthy. The good news is getting work is pretty easy and there is a range of jobs for all skill levels. The unemployment level for the country is really low and there is alot of jobs out there especially in Construction. Although not everyone is the same, in general Kiwis like to have a balanced lifestyle and they are laid back friendly people. Even attending job interviews can be pretty relaxing, you don't feel un eased and they talk to you like a friend. Smart atire isn't neccasry for alot of jobs either.


Since the 2011 earthquakes in Christchurch the city is very much in need for construction workers to help re build, so any kind of construction background can be a massive advantage for you when applying for work. Auckland also has plenty of building work constantly going on along with many office roles too.


If you are wanting temporary short term work just to see you through it is a good idea to go to the local agencies. Although some are more helpful than others they all offer short term work with no commitments, a weeks notice is usually good.

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